John Passmore and Hume's Moral ... - Internet Archive Scholar
Passmore, Esq., first Mayor of Lancas- ter, Pa.: John Passmore was the son of Wil- liam and Sarah (Elliott) Passmore. His grandparents were ... 
A HUNDRED YEARS OF PHILOSOPHY - HIST-AnalyticIn this tidy little work, Professor John Passmore, of the Australian Na- tional University at Canberra, presents a deceptively simple yet powerful. The Representative Arts as a Source of Truth - JOHN PASSMOREhim to the view that any scientific hypothesis which goes beyond immediate experience is, so far as reason goes, as good, or as bad, as any other. John Passmore: Lancaster's First Mayor and his CouncilsJohn Passmore, 1914-2004. William Hare. Mount Saint Vincent University. John Passmore died in Canberra, Australia, on July 25, 2004, a few weeks short of his ... Mayor John Passmore - LancasterHistoryJohn Passmore was a thoroughly Australian person. He grew up in relatively poor circumstances in Manly, and his ancestry goes back to the early years of ... Theories of Individuation: A Reconsideration of Bare ParticularsOntological Status of Categories,? in Studies in the Ontology of Reinhardt Grossmann, ed. ... 9 Reinhardt Grossmann, The Categorial Structure of the World ( ... Non-Existent Objects and Epistemological Ontology - PhilPapersThe Fourth Way: A Theory of Knowledge, by Reinhardt Grossmann. Bloomington, IN.: Indiana University Press, 1990. Pp. xi + 311. $35.00. As Grossmann reads ... Summer/Fall 1994 - IU PhilosophyREINHARDT SEIGBERT GROSSMANN. (January 10, 1931 ? July 2, 2010). Reinhardt Grossmann, a long-time member of the Department of Philosophy at Indiana. University ... Facts: An Essay in Aporetics - PhilPapersEmeritus Professor at Indiana University. He is a leading member of the. Iowa School founded by Gustav Bergmann. Grossmann brought his robust. Selected and Annotated bibliography of Reinhardt GrossmannReinhardt Grossmann, The Fourth Way: A Theory of. Knowledge (Bloomington: Indiana University Press,. 1990), viii + 311 pp., $35.00 (cloth). PAUL K. MOSER. Circular B5-2012 - Archives of Institutional Memory - Indiana UniversityReinhardt Grossmann is one of the most sophisticated, knowledgeable and original contemporary metaphysicians. Although he was a student of Bergmann, ... A kínai gnózis Jan Van Rijckenborgh Catherose De PetriJan van Rijckenborgh & Catharose de Petri, The Great Revolution, 9. 81. Massimo Introvigne, 'Lectorium Rosicrucianum: A Dutch Movement Becomes Interna ... Catalogo Septénaire 2023Lectorium Rosicrucianium, a Rosicrucian order founded in 1935 by Dutch eso tericist Jan van Rijckenborgh (1896?1968), should also be mentioned. It has been ...